題名: A Dynamic Traffic Control System in Wireless Mesh Networks
作者: Lin, P. J. Jr
Dow, C. R. Jr
Chang, C. Y. Jr
Hsuan, P. Jr
Hwang, S. F. Jr
關鍵字: wireless mesh networks
dynamic thresholding
traffic control
traffic redirection
期刊名/會議名稱: NCS 2009
摘要: Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) depend on a resilient and high performance infrastructure to provide users pervasive Internet access. In WMNs, all Internet traffic will be forwarded to the Internet gateways. Hence, these gateways are generally bottleneck nodes. This work proposes a traffic control technique to reduce the bottleneck problem and increase the utilization of network resources. Our approach provides a traffic control strategy that exploits dynamic techniques to adjust the threshold according to the traffic load of each gateway. Thus, our proposed scheme can handle the unnecessary traffic redirection and reduce the traffic control overhead for various distributions of traffic. Experimental results demonstrate that our scheme outperforms other schemes in terms of throughput and end-to-end delay, especially in bursty traffic environments.
日期: 2011-05-23T20:52:25Z
分類:2009年 NCS 全國計算機會議

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