題名: A Reliable Anycast Protocol Based on Recovery Point in ZigBee Networks
作者: Chen, Tsung-Long Jr
Cheng, Chih-Yung Jr
Chen, Shyr-Kuen Jr
Wang, Pi-Chung Jr
關鍵字: anycasting
recovery point
期刊名/會議名稱: NCS 2009
摘要: ZigBee network supports low data-rates; low power consumption and simple route. Aim at searching service; it usually relies on message broadcasting which tends to result in large traffic overhead. Other major challenge is unstable forwarding path. This work presents an anycast scheme for searching service in ZigBee network. That has the capability to choose the best one of servers in an anycast group as a destination, and reduce the volume of query messages as well as the reply messages. It also reduces the query latency and increases the accuracy of service discovery. In addition to basic anycasting, our scheme also increases the reliability of packet transmission by providing Recovery Point (RP). The RP scheme keeps copies of data packets of the source for recovering lost packets for its downstream node. The experimental results and demonstrate that our scheme is efficient and feasibile for ZigBee network.
日期: 2011-05-23T20:51:32Z
分類:2009年 NCS 全國計算機會議

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